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4 Tips for Forming Healthy Habits

4 Tips for Forming Healthy Habits
In this article:
In this article:

We asked 1.5K customers about their health goals and 51% said they wanted to “Improve their overall wellness.” That’s a task easier said than done. We know how card It can be to make healthy choices with a busy schedule. 

Our solution? We brought in Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Rachel Gargano to speak to sustainable ways to build healthy habits. 

1. Start Slow 🐢

Don’t get down on yourself if new habits aren’t sticking just yet. Research shows it could take at least 3 months of practice and persistence before a new action becomes habitual.

How to Build the Habit: 

  1. Be Specific: Break your goal habit down into smaller steps. 
  2. Be Accountable: Tell a supportive friend or family member about your goals to help with accountability.
  3. Be Flexible: Life happens and we may not always meet our goals exactly as planned.  Being flexible allows you to move your goal habits to different times or days, rescheduling them to best fit where they can be accomplished.  

2. Prioritize Moving Your Body 💃

Exercise isn’t just for weight loss or body building, but that’s definitely how it can feel sometimes. It can actually help reduce your disease risk, keep your blood sugar levels stable, and improve your mental health. 

Making healthy changes don’t have to happen overnight! Sustainable goals are met when you can make gradual change- last. You can incorporate this healthy habit in your schedule by making every day more active by taking the stairs,stretching while watching tv, or taking your dog an extra long walk. 

 How to Build the Habit:  

Find activities you enjoy that easily fit into your lifestyle – such as dancing, roller skating, walking, fitness classes, or hiking. The more you like it, the easier it will be to build a resilient fitness habit. Start with just 10 minutes a couple days per week. Once that becomes habitual, slowly add in more activity over time! 

3. Focus on Nutrition 🥕 

What we eat and drink impacts not only our energy, but also our productivity, stress levels, and longevity. Whether you eat 3 squares a day or 6 mini-meals, the goal is to eat a consistent, balanced diet packed with high-quality foods, including lots of vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, healthy fats, and whole grains. 

You also want to follow your body’s hunger and fullness cues. Getting back in touch with these signals will help you maintain a healthy weight. Think about stopping when you are satisfied, which is just before you are full.

How to Build the Habit: 

To help listen to your body, think about which healthy eating habits will make the biggest impact for you; write them down (be specific). Choose one bite-sized goal at a time and add in another goal when you’re ready.

Here are some nourishing goals to help get you started: 

  • Up your water intake to 8 cups daily.
  • Afternoon slump? Skip the coffee and choose a balanced snack.
  • Set aside time to eat meals slowly and without distraction.
  • Add in Super Greens daily!

4. Better Your Sleep Schedule 😴

Did you know that the length and quality of our sleep can impact our mood, energy, and productivity? Not to mention its influence on our hunger levels and ability to maintain a healthy weight!

Whether we’re doom scrolling on our phones or prepping for the next day, it can hard to fully shut off and get the recommended 7 hours of sleep *minimum* a night. 

How to Build the Habit: 

Develop a calming bedtime routine. Research shows that doing the same activities in the 30 to 60 minutes before bed helps your brain prepare for sleep. Whether it’s taking a bath, getting in one chapter of a book, or doing a 12-step Korean skin care routine. 

In the end, remember that trial and error, as well as failure, are all part of developing reliable habits! 


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